RSI - significado y definición. Qué es RSI
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Qué (quién) es RSI - definición

Rsi; RSI (disambiguation)

1. <medical> overuse strain injury. 2. <company> Research Systems, Inc.. (1999-01-08)
People who suffer from RSI have pain in their hands and arms as a result of repeating similar movements over a long period of time, usually as part of their job. RSI is an abbreviation for 'repetitive strain injury'.
The women developed painful RSI because of poor working conditions.
Repetitive Strain Injury



RSI may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para RSI
1. I've actually got RSI.
The Dress _ Kate Kerrigan _ Talks at Google
2. He got RSI.
Breakthrough with Healing Chronic Pain _ Howard Schubiner _ Talks at Google
3. I hope I don't get RSI.
Breakthrough with Healing Chronic Pain _ Howard Schubiner _ Talks at Google
4. no more disability for RSI.
Breakthrough with Healing Chronic Pain _ Howard Schubiner _ Talks at Google
5. We had RSI since computers.
Breakthrough with Healing Chronic Pain _ Howard Schubiner _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de RSI
1. Eli Alalouf, RSI ''. Shone Tell, Yad2 website 100.
2. RSI risk Bronwyn Clifford, of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics, said÷ "Physiotherapists are recognising that text messaging regularly, over a long period of time, could cause RSI.
3. "I think I may be suffering from RSI from pressing F5," says Jonathan Carter.
4. Other gadgets such as MP3 players, games consoles and personal electronic organisers may also hold RSI dangers.
5. The council is "accustomed to dealing with large–scale issues affecting tens or even hundreds of thousands of people, or indeed entire nations," Eörsi said.